Cough and Congestion


Are you wondering whether you should try a fibromyalgia diet plan to obtain some sort of relief? It may feel like …

Genetically speaking, only about 30 percent of our health and wellness is controlled by our genes. The rest… 70 percent… is …

The definition of Fibromyalgia Syndrome or Fibromyalgia Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is: A illness that produces chronic pain in the muscles and …

Living and coping with Fibromyalgia can be tough not only for the sufferers of the ailment, but also for other near …


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Those who suffer from Fibromyalgia experience excruciating pain in their muscles. Basic activities are almost impossible for them to complete. Of …

What exactly is this condition called “Fibromyalgia”? It’s actually classified as a “syndrome” rather than “disease”. A “syndrome” is defined as …

Fibromyalgia is often missed or misdiagnosed for a number of reasons. There aren’t definitive blood tests or X-ray to diagnose Fibromyalgia …

Neurontin for Everything How does a drug company take an unproven, worthless, and potentially dangerous drug like Neurontin, and turn it …

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Guaifenesin is an FDA approved over-the-counter expectorant, usually taken orally to assist the expectoration of phlegm and mucus. Especially effective to help clear excess mucus and phlegm from the airways in acute respiratory tract infections. Newsletter

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